You have the soul of a Goddess. Are you ready to awaken her?

“Is this my existence from now on?

Is this all that’s left?”

Does that resonate?

Life has a way of wearing us down. As women, we learn to forgot who we truly are so that we fit in. We know our roles in life, and we make ourselves small to fit into them.

You paste a smile on your face and accept the little that you are offered, when you know that there is more out there.

On the outside, it looks like you have it all put together, while on the inside you know that you are not all that you can be.

Instead of living life with sparkle and joy, you feel like you are in survival mode and running on autopilot. The truth is that you have been giving your power away to others and not acknowledging that you matter.

The truth is that you do matter!

You feel broken sensually

Life has gotten in the way, and you have forgotten that you even have a sensual side.

You feel guilty and shameful for asking for what you need.

Maybe you have never even awakened that intimate aspect of yourself because of someone told you that you were not worthy of having such a dirty pleasure in your life.

False beliefs about sensuality, such as masturbation is sinful, have led you to believe that you are unfuckable, but the truth is that you are a sensual being deserving of physical pleasure.

You feel broken spiritually

You feel broken emotionally

Emotionally, you feel bankrupt.

Something is missing and you long to feel whole.

You make compromises because you are feeling overwhelmed, alone, and tired instead of letting your beautiful soul shine.

You feel like an imposter, but the truth is that you are showing up every day.

You allow others to make you feel unworthy, while the truth is that your value is not negotiable with others.

Spiritually, you know that there is a disconnect between what you know and what you allow yourself to believe.

Your needs are not being met and your needs are not negotiable.

It feels like a connection to the divine is something that everyone else already has, but you are ready to take action to connect to your higher self.

You don’t trust your own intuition, but your inner knowing is always right.

You feel like you are running on empty and know it is time to learn how to fill up your own cup.

It doesn’t have to be that way!

Realize that no matter how broken you feel,
you CAN live a life where you feel fully alive.

Are you ready to find your sparkle sensually?

Will you learn to love and accept your body for all of the amazing things it has done for you?

Can you imagine accepting and fully embracing that pleasure is good and you are designed to experience it?

Do you know that you can explore, embrace, experience, and enjoy all senses, from the smell of coffee, listening to the waves, appreciating art, connecting to nature, and touching and exploring yourself?

Are you ready to release old beliefs about sensuality and sexuality, and create an internal paradigm shift?

Will you become the expert on your body and what brings you pleasure?

Are you ready to find your sparkle emotionally?

Are you to find peace, joy, and fulfillment in your everyday life?

Are you ready to deal with whatever comes your way, accepting and acknowledging feelings and emotions with any guilt, same, or judgement?

Are you ready to stop blaming or being the victim in your life? Instead, are you ready to take responsibility and owning your role in creating your life, even if it was not intentional?

Do you want to feel comfortable sitting with all emotions and recognizing that emotions are just energy in motion? You can sit with your emotions and be okay with not being okay until the emotion passes.

What if you learned the importance of expressing your wants, needs, and desires?

Are you ready to find your sparkle spiritually?

Are you struggling with an inner knowing that does not align with the outer reality?

Are you ready to trust your intuition fully?

Do you want to get in tune with your body and release the signs of stress and anxiety that you feel?

Have you recognized that your life is a constant journey of expansion and growth?

Is it time to awaken your mind and body to create alignment with your soul?
